PNW Ryuei Ryu - A Nonprofit Corporation
PNW Ryuei Ryu Ryuhou Kan is a Washington state registered 501(C)(3) nonprofit organization. We are a 100% volunteer run organization.
Why is the dojo a nonprofit? For love of the art and teaching!
The dojo is setup as a nonprofit corporation so that
monthly dues are kept as low as possible
the instructors can focus their time and energy on providing quality instructions
Both instructors are dedicated to the art of Karate. We are passionate about sharing Ryuei Ryu with those in the community.
We believe that the nonprofit structure echoes our goals for the dojo; the goal of a nonprofit is to provide services for the betterment of the community. These values are an essential part of how the dojo is managed.
The dojo needs your support!
The dojo’s primary source of income are monthly dues paid by the students and tax-deductible donations. We would love to be able to offer scholarships and grants in the future, and your donations will make this possible.
The dojo is a 501(C)(3) nonprofit corporation, a subordinate nonprofit corporation under Amateur Athlete’s Union, making your donations 100% tax deductible.
How can you support the dojo?
Currently there are two ways you can support the dojo:
Donations to General Fund (tax deductible), where your donation will be used to pay operating costs (rent, utilities, insurance, etc.).
Grant: “Adopt a Student” (tax deductible), where you can pay a students’ monthly dues ($55 / month) so that they can attend classes.
If you have any questions about how you can support the dojo, please contact us at:
Please click the “Donate” button below to donate to our dojo. 100 % of your generous donation will be used to:
Pay for student dues for students who need financial support.
Purchase training equipment.
Help cover operation fees, such as rent, utilities, internet, and other costs.
We are a 100 % volunteer run.